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Sentence examples for a massive auditorium from inspiring English sources

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Just before Christmas, I visited a massive auditorium at the Maidstone Studios, Kent, to find out.

Hundreds of people milled in a massive auditorium across from Wawel Castle where, centuries before, a dragon menaced the countryside.

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similar ( 57 )

The cages and kennels strewn about suggested that a dog training show had taken place in the massive auditorium, and some of the dogs had been left in crates overnight, their barking and yapping audible, according to Bruce.

It happened during a show I did in the South of France in this massive auditorium that held something like 3000 kids.

Sullivan, notoriously grandiose and difficult, was the designer of such landmark structures as the massive Auditorium Building and the Carson Pirie Scott department store in Chicago; the Guaranty Building in Buffalo and the Wainwright building in St . Louis

e know that the Gathering sounds like some ominous, secret meeting of the Masons at a Scientology retreat in a secret bunker under Area 51, but it's really just 5,500 teenage nerds in a massive, chilly, smelly auditorium in Hamar, Norway.

There's a massive, impressive new municipal auditorium where this tender whirling human ballet is performed, and any amount of lovely shiny-eyed mystics in carpet shops, cafes and medieval bazaars, all delighted to invite you to a private zikhr.

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