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Sentence examples for a huge bullet from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 2 )

He screamed that he had seen his brother's body on Monday with a huge bullet wound in the back of his head.

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similar ( 57 )

A huge bullet-proof lorry, known as the "BB-mobile", was waiting to ferry her to the tomb of the country's founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Thisopens a new chapter in Pakistan's political thriller.

To support his contention that Mr. Harris, a huge, bullet-headed man, would be afraid of the slightly smaller Mr. Simon, Mr. Gold stressed that Mr. Harris had been in administrative segregation from other prisoners for hitting a guard, and should not have been placed in a recreation cage with other prisoners while the death-row cells were fumigated.

No team will consider taking him off the Mets' hands right now, and the team would have to bite a huge financial bullet if it cut him.

Aged six, James was combing the streets with her sisters, collecting foil cigarette wrappers for the Spanish Republicans: "We'd roll them into these huge bullets.

They build a space capsule in the shape of a bullet, and a huge cannon to shoot it into space.

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