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Sentence examples for a huge balance from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 10 )

But in the long run, a huge balance sheet carries risks.

We have a huge balance of payments deficit – it's -the biggest we've had in our history – asset prices are rising again, consumer credit is rising again.

Like many financial institutions, Lehman has a huge balance sheet — it owes vast sums, and is owed vast sums in return.

Britain has "a huge balance of payments deficit, a too low level of corporate investment and households spending to the hilt," the NPI report says.

"You can find you've got an organisation with a huge balance sheet but no one actually works for it".Big international banks are even more difficult to wind up, not least because they are so much more complex than their stay-at-home siblings.

But many recent grads aren't smart and pile up a huge balance on their credit card.

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similar ( 50 )

It's pretty common to see some variance between cards (like 19.6% off vs. 20%), but just know that if it's a huge discount, you may need to buy a card with an equally huge balance.

"She gets $28 million, walks away from a huge unrecouped balance and gets to start over".

"Because of their age, these forests have a slow rate of carbon sequestration, but they also have a huge bank balance of carbon built up over the years," he said.

A huge mileage balance gives you the ability to exchange those miles for premium-class overseas tickets, which could cost $10,000 or more if you bought them with cash.

They sold for a big premium and gained access to a huge new balance sheet, including a $1 billion debt facility that Total did through the equity deal".

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