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Sentence examples for a gloomy climate from inspiring English sources

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In such a gloomy climate, who then is seduced by the prospect of posing for L'Uomo Vogue?

The New York Times - Style
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In an often gloomy climate, they had to be big, and curtains would defeat the idea.

But plenty of economists are happy to regard a merely small fall, in today's gloomy climate, as a reason for optimism.In this section Not yet time for the champagne The Golden State turns brown Crashing to earth Brave new world (perhaps) Consumers to the rescue?

While an increase in growth rate of an ectotherm is not an unexpected result following an increase in temperature [42], it does demonstrate an inherent plasticity within J. edwardsii populations to a range of temperature regimes and to a short-term change in temperature, offering a positive contrast to the many gloomy climate change forecasts [43], [44].

Does a gloomy economic climate mean people are less prepared to make that "stocking up" outlay?

People living with cancer often have reduced earnings and need to find money to cover extra costs such as hospital travel costs and increased fuel bills, amid a gloomy economic climate.

And in the current gloomy climate, we're all fans.

In today's gloomy climate, visions of ray guns, starships and flanged metallic bodysuits may not be enough to rekindle that confidence, but they do offer a much-longed-for escape.

The attacks darkened an already gloomy political climate as Mr. Estrada's impeachment trial is set to resume in the Senate on Tuesday.

The earnings of VMWare, a company that makes corporate software, dropped because of charges related to a recent acquisition.The gloomy economic climate is also playing a role.

Even the "low case" assumed a gloomy 7.0% a year.

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