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Sentence examples for a common consent from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 5 )

In fact not all these parts have a corresponding term that expresses every concept in a common consent language.

Laboratory companies and medical centers should adopt a common consent form to make it easy and legal for data sharing to occur.

In particular, the development of a common consent form would greatly facilitate multi-institutional prospective research projects, but would require strong leadership and involvement of the individual IRBs, potentially including face-to-face meetings of IRB representatives.

- IRB Director Developing a common consent form would enable multi-institutional prospective research projects, but would require strong NCI leadership and involvement of the individual IRBs, including face-to-face meetings of IRB representatives to agree on a common form: "You have to have that leadership, and the people who do this, have to be practical.

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similar ( 53 )

Mr Ordóñez, an ally of Álvaro Uribe, Colombia's former president, is a conservative and an ultra-traditionalist Catholic.By common consent, Mr Petro, a former guerrilla with an arrogant personality and an authoritarian streak, has not been a good mayor.

Radio Televisión Española, especially its television news, is by common consent a disgrace, a government mouthpiece that would not be out of place in a banana republic of yore.

This dense, dazzling retrospective of works spanning her career, from 1951 to 1992, confirms that Mitchell was not just the best of the so-called second-generation Abstract Expressionists — a status already hers by common consent — but a great modern artist who started strong and improved with age.

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