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Sentence examples for Time sequestration from inspiring English sources

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We show, for the first time, sequestration of P. chabaudi iRBC in the lungs during infection and, in agreement with previous histological studies (Cox et al., 1987; Gilks et al., 1990; Mota et al., 2000), demonstrate sequestration in the liver.

Cellular Microbiology
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Dire warnings in Fairfax County, Va .-- Fairfax County Executive Ed Long warned northern Virginians to "prepare for the worst, hope for the best" and to "set aside" money for the tough times sequestration will bring.

But Alan B. Krueger, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, did not pick that bone on Friday, for the first time since sequestration went into effect.

Statoil, a Norwegian oil firm, has been pumping CO2 into a deep saline aquifer under the North Sea since 1996 the first time "geological" sequestration of this sort has been motivated by a fear of climate change, in the form of a Norwegian tax on carbon emissions.

Well, the media has decided it's the most dire crisis the country is facing, during this time of sequestration.

When the TGF- β concentration raises progressively, the amplitude of oscillation first raises and then decays, reflecting two competing phenomena: the amplitude of oscillations tends to be proportional to the input, but at the same time the sequestration of the receptor by the inhibitor leads to a dampening of the amplitude.

The similarity between half-life of carbon pools, and the half-time required for sequestration, mandates that millennial time-spans must be considered in design of SOC experiments.

All this at a time when mandated "sequestration" cuts are supposed to be reducing military spending.

As President Obama reminded Congress today, there's still time to shelve sequestration and behave like adults in setting responsible fiscal policies.

Land application scenarios are economically viable with 12 to 13 years of break-even time, when carbon sequestration is credited for at least CAD 60 per tonne of CO2e.

One advantage of the concept of storage of CO2 on the ocean floor, at depths >3500m where liquid CO2 is gravitationally stable, is that the sequestration time with respect to atmospheric exposure is far longer than from injection at shallower depths.

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