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Sentence examples similar to Time dives from inspiring English sources

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The few scientists on staff spend much of their time diving in the bay, collecting samples.

The New York Times - Magazine

During the ballet, she will spend her time diving into a partner's arms or draping herself over a man's shoulder.

Even as he went down by two sets, he merely turned up his pestering defensive game — and spent more time diving after balls on the concrete — to the growing irritation of Isner.

But bassist Matt McJunkins, who can be seen in video which emerged of the incident nearer the time diving down to the other side of the stage, became trapped in a dressing room.

Gao Hong, the Chinese goalkeeper who was beaten five times in the World Cup penalty-kick shootout, anticipated Lilly's shot perfectly this time, diving to her right and smothering the ball.

Except this time, dive #76, all communication was lost.

"I'm going to take a few months off and spend some time diving before I come back".

Bardsley did even better seven minutes from time, diving full length to turn striker Kelly Smith's 20-yard drive on to the bar.

And Bardsley came to her team's rescue again in first-half stoppage time, diving at Yankey's feet as the winger was about to shoot from five yards.

WE FIRMLY believe that scientists should spend less time diving into junk and more doing experiments…QKnowledge is an AI system that can parse publications, solve inconsistencies between them, and present them in a single easy-to-read document.

At nearly the same time, dive bombers hit and fatally damaged Akagi and Sōryū.

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