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exact ( 1 )

I therefore understand that the authors refer to an "apparent" initial increase in drug intake (abstract).

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similar ( 58 )

Members will therefore understand that it is the practice in the United Kingdom Government, like, I imagine, most or all other governments, not to comment on alleged interception whether the allegations are based on trivia or something perhaps more substantial.

Responses from statement 6 ('Evolution always results in improvement') reveal that 72.4% (n = 55) of participants disagreed with the statement and therefore understand that the process of evolution does not always result in improvement.

This difference was suggested to result from chimpanzees' inability to think about others' minds and therefore understand that others might need or could profit from help [13] [15].

It is therefore understood that such spherical porosities are generally resulted from the entrapped gases in the molten pool due to the excessive energy input or unstable process conditions.

They lived here, and therefore understood that they themselves -- their home -- had come under attack on 9/11.

It is therefore understood that regardless of the same primary recruitment of effector proteins to each ErbB receptor dimer, the cells induce different structures of downstream regulatory pathways and that such differences might cause a change in the kinase activity level in relation to the cell fate determination process.

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