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Sentence examples for I have provided from inspiring English sources

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"I have provided" is a perfectly correct and usable phrase in written English. You can use it when you want to talk about something that you have already given or supplied. For example: "I have provided the necessary documents for the application process."

exact ( 60 )

I have provided assistance".

"That is why I have provided these machines.

I have provided records from the hospital where the diagnosis was made.

But the interpretations that John and I have provided more or less are.

I have provided you with all the data available to the doctor who made the diagnosis.

In turn, I hope I have provided a constructive critical eye in serving as a reviewer.

However, if you do recognise yourself in the list below, I have provided a few tips.

I have provided bills and bank statements to prove I am with E.ON.

I have provided them with clean needles, water, and a safe space to inject.

Wherever possible I have provided the names and dates of these remarkable home cooks.

I have provided below a brief, and admittedly incomplete, sampling of such studies.

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Terminologist and Q/A Analyst @ Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

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