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Sentence examples for I have communicated from inspiring English sources

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"I have communicated" is a grammatically correct and usable part of a sentence in written English. It is a way of describing a process that has already taken place, and therefore can be used in the past tense. For example, "I have communicated with my brother about our plans for the weekend."

exact ( 21 )

I have communicated with her through her publishers.

"Glen and I have communicated a lot in the last week," Hedberg said from Stockholm yesterday.

As I have communicated my views on this point to the society through Mr. Bruce, a detailed reply may be unnecessary.

I have communicated directly with President Botha to insure that he and his Government are aware of my deep feelings about this.

In a statement to the Daily Mail, Weiner said, in part: "I have repeatedly demonstrated terrible judgement about the people I have communicated with online and the things I have sent.

I have communicated this decision with these counties in letters detailing the criteria I used in making my judgments and the application of these criteria to the stated circumstances.

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LeBlanc TW, Temel JS, Helft PR. "How Much Time Do I Have?": Communicating Prognosis in the Era of Exceptional Responders.

"I have been waiting to hear from Campbell Newman for a long time – goodness knows how many times I've communicated with him on a range of issues, and those communications have been unanswered," Jones said.

I've communicated with people there.

"I felt John and I had communicated with each other," Cantor said.

I've been fair with the players and I've communicated with them.

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