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Sentence examples for I can only understand from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 8 )

"I can only understand it from the inside.

"I can only understand 20% of what I read in English, so when the agents show me a contract, all I know is what they tell me," said Rai.

Geopolitical issues are incredibly complex and I can only understand them for personal life experience.

A while later she was pregnant, and I can only understand that someone had taken advantage of her again.

In this back and forth, I can only understand a few words that I have picked up since my arrival.

Brous lamented the boos and jeers that greeted an official from Americans for Peace Now, and said that she was "devastated by what I can only understand to be a tragic narrowing of the American Jewish heart and mind".

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similar ( 52 )

I think you can only understand authentocracy if you look at the rejection of seriousness in the 90s, whether that's on the cultural level – the obsession with the silliness and absurdity – or on the political level, saying we are beyond politics now, that we're just going to managerialism and the job of New Labour is to make sure that everybody has a nice time.

For Goyens, one can only understand New York anarchism by understanding the geography of the movement.

Mr. Falckenberg compares Mr. Meese's worldview with that of the Dadaists after World War I. "You can only understand the work if you don't take it too literally," he said.

We live life forwards, but can only understand it backwards.

We can only understand it by examining Washington.

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