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Sentence examples for I am happy to spend from inspiring English sources

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"Be ready to tell yourself that 'Yes, I am happy to spend the rest of my time with this one person,'" she said.

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similar ( 59 )

A Democratic billionaire told me, "I'm happy to spend, but not on Super PACs.

"I'm happy to spend a little extra," she said, "to make the investment in some pieces I'll have around for a long time".

Sometimes, I will even manually turn on some third-party widget (like a comment system), and I'm happy to spend that extra second clicking on a box to do so.

So, even as yet another person in another underpaid creative field who is busy collecting probably one too many records, I'm happy to spend whatever I can afford.

I'm happy to spend money on games that my children enjoy, including buying gems every so often; it's possible to earn gems to combat this kind of hold-up; and the more characters you unlock, the more levels there are to play at any one point, reducing the chances of this kind of impasse.

Kyle Prescott, a member of the Proud Boys who had been scheduled to speak at the Rally for Free Speech before deciding to switch stages, said, "I'm happy to spend my day here, at the abode of our glorious revered President Donald Trump, rather than at certain rallies where speakers are kept under wraps until the absolute last minute".

One Handed Keyboard is probably little more than an opportunistic side project by an enterprise little one-man studio (which isn't to discredit its cleverness, or it utility) but it's a $1.99 I'm happy to spend to get these features.

I'm happy to spend my summer off and then work with Sofia [Coppola] in the fall.

There was rarely a dull moment, and if there was, I was happy to spend it napping in a hammock or journaling underneath a palm tree.

Otherwise, Patrick and I are happy to spend lots of time together on the island, go through music, cook, eat, laugh and dance.

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