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Sentence examples for I've managed a lot from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 2 )

"I know League Two like the back of my hand, I've managed a lot of games in League Two and had a bit of success fighting at both ends".

I know that the baby is more important than the pain, somehow it's easier (Mother, age 25, second baby) I know it sounds silly but I've got a great sense of pride and achievement because I didn't manage so well with [Baby 1] and I've managed a lot better with [Baby 2].

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similar ( 58 )

We had managed a lot together.

It's hard for people to get behind that principle because my sense — having managed a lot of people — is that human beings are generally driven by a desire to be recognized every single day.

"He has managed a lot of top-class players, and [coping with high profile players] has been the bane of many African coaches.

I've managed, with a lot of hardship, to earn an amount that allows me to live not exactly comfortably but normally.

I've managed to alienate a lot of friends and girlfriends working where I work.

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