Your English writing platform
Free sign up"generic answer" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
You can use it when you want to convey the idea of a response that is not tailored to the specific circumstances of the situation at hand. For example, "When the customer asked for the return policy, the retail associate gave a generic answer that did not address the customer's individual needs."
A general question will get you a generic answer.
"But this is a very generic answer and maybe doesn't help you too much.
When asked today about the coming free-agent frenzy, Kidd gave his generic answer: "I'm happy to be a Net".
But don't regurgitate a generic answer, warns Gilberg: "Make sure your reasoning is personal to you, and demonstrate with examples from your own experience".
It's useful to ask specific questions: 'Were there areas that let me down compared to the other candidate?' You'll avoid a generic answer".
A quick scan of facial expression, a gauging of voice tone and a generic answer, designed to cover most bases, lets me scrape by.
"In my experience most people unfortunately give very generic answers that don't make them stand out from others".
One of its settings causes the display to form a variety of generic answers to yes-or-no questions.
"I don't believe eBay or PayPal read their messages, and anytime I contact them I get fobbed off with generic answers obviously read off a computer screen from somewhere overseas," says Avcil.
Interviews themselves, however, offer such a brief opportunity for people to present themselves, and generic answers about your professionalism or achievements in previous roles are no substitute for opening yourself up as a person.
They are reassuring teachers that the questions are predictable, in order to try to persuade them that students will get the best marks if they come up with their own ideas rather than producing copy-cat generic answers to what are essentially generic questions.
Write better and faster with AI suggestions while staying true to your unique style.
Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @