Sentence examples for with greater precision from inspiring English sources

"with greater precision" is appropriate and usable in written English.
It is often used to indicate that something is done or said with a high degree of accuracy or detail. For example, "The surgeon was able to perform the procedure with greater precision than ever before."


Even as our devices can tell the world more about us, with greater precision, we're choosing to be less precise.

Greater camera resolution, for example, will enable drones to work with greater precision and safety.

The idea is to know the user with greater precision and to anticipate their needs.

More research will be necessary to determine the cause with greater precision.

As the ellipsoids are made smaller and smaller, the answer is known with greater precision.

Surely the world's foremost risk factor should be measured and understood with greater precision and disaggregation?

The challenge is to identify such points with greater precision for various biological systems.

Dr. Dilday hopes his work will help classify supernovas with greater precision.

"Wherever people build stuff, they install routers, and your position becomes easier and easier to calculate with greater precision".

That could enable molecular biologists to establish with greater precision the chronology of important steps in human evolution.

German researchers have established the height of the Greenland and Antarctic ice caps with greater precision than ever before.

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Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

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