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Sentence examples for under big pressure from inspiring English sources

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"under big pressure" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. It is usually used to talk about a person or a group of people who are feeling a worrying amount of stress or are facing a difficult problem. For example, "My family is under big pressure, as we have to find a new place to live soon.".

exact ( 11 )

"I think the refugees are under big pressure.

Under big pressure," he said on Saturday night.

"Even if they were slitting my throat?" "Daddy, I swear to God I am under big pressure," Abdul Hakim said.

So it would be intriguing to know exactly what Djokovic was thinking behind his sunglasses Sunday as he sat next to his girlfriend, Jelena Ristic, in the stands at the Monte Carlo Country Club and watched John Isner produce his latest bravura performance under big pressure.

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similar ( 44 )

"And both families are under big pressures.

When you are under pressure, big pressure, sometimes the legs do not work normally," Capello told BBC Sport, before adding that there is no more room for errors.

"I expect the first days of testing to be very challenging, and we must avoid falling under the big pressure we have.

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