Sentence examples for to further enhance from inspiring English sources

"to further enhance" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
You can use it when you want to emphasize an action that will have an additional positive effect or result. For example, "We are offering a new program to further enhance our customers' experience."


to further enhance


To encourage growth.

  • Further the economy.


This is a key appointment as we look to further enhance and develop our digital ambitions".

He has also acted quickly to further enhance the C.I.A.'s clandestine operations.

"There's not much you can do to further enhance faxing," said Mr. Fountain of Hewlett-Packard.

Action has already been taken in many cases, with work underway to further enhance safety at UK sites".

"I made clear that we stand ready to further enhance counter-terror support that we have already supplied.

The result was a string of legislation designed to further enhance the freedom and power of finance.

These can be used to further enhance the defensive architecture.

Nanoporous titania coats the grooved wick to further enhance wettability.

"Honestly it's going to help allow us to further enhance the Players Tribune site," Messler says.

"We've brought in someone who will work alongside him to further enhance the project.

This state-owned company has now teamed with Japan's Yamaha to further enhance its technology.

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