Your English writing platform
Free sign up"remain paramount" is an appropriate phrase for written English.
Example Sentence: The safety of our employees will remain paramount throughout the entire operation.
State planning will remain paramount.
The time-honored mastery of the material should remain paramount.
Capuano reiterated that basic hard work would remain paramount amid the Brooklyn move countdown.
Nevertheless, America's global leadership position — and especially its soft power — while weakened, remain paramount.
How you label people and chose your affiliations remain paramount issues among Latinos, said Julio Dicent.
Publicly, Mr. Obama reassured Mr. Netanyahu that Israel's security would remain paramount in any American push to resolve the conflict.
Political stability remained paramount.
Local bosses remained paramount in their areas.
Krutmann said slashing air pollution remained paramount.
Even as that changed, the political, economic, and even theological agendas of maps and mapmakers remained paramount.
Mr. Rumsfeld made it clear that combat duties remained paramount, raising the specter of increasing terrorist attacks on American forces.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @