Sentence examples for proud possession from inspiring English sources

'proud possession' is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
It is often used to express feelings of admiration or pride in something one owns or has achieved. For example, "My niece's diploma is a proud possession for our family."


It is an aircraft-carrier, the Kiev, once the proud possession of the Soviet Union.

But there was enough of my own writing there to allow me a sense of proud possession.

For Hung, though, the jeep and the commissar's proud possession of it symbolize what is going wrong.

When Kaplan took proud possession of his new Apple II in 1980, it could store one second of CD-quality music.

Seized by a Nazi collector just before the outbreak of the second world war, the painting was for many years the proud possession of the national Belvedere gallery in Vienna.

On the coffee table of her small apartment in a public housing project, she keeps a proud possession: her 10-year-old son's framed certificate of perfect attendance from Benjamin Franklin Elementary School.

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One of Julian F. Abele Jr.'s proud possessions is an inscribed presentation copy of Blackburn's book given to his father whose assistance is acknowledged in the preface.

The electric Garrard gramophone that spun these records was my father's proudest possession.

She was there with her mom who told me this sweater was her daughter's proudest possession.

Her relationships with her four grandchildren Harlan, Alex, Carolyn and Brian along with the rest of her family were Betty's proudest possessions.

Collectors are proud of their possessions, Dr. Neziroglu said.

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