Sentence examples for lucrative returns from inspiring English sources

"lucrative returns" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to describe a situation in which a person or organization receives a large amount of money or some other benefit from an activity; for example, "Investing in the stock market can often yield lucrative returns."


The other major trend is an increasing perception that politics can bring lucrative returns on investment.

To the Blackstone Group, it offers the potential for lucrative returns.

Higher interest rates mean more lucrative returns for investors who hold dollars.

HOW do you both encourage investment, which requires lucrative returns, and facilitate competition, which keeps prices low?

They take on the most troubled assets, the ones others aren't willing to touch, in exchange for potentially lucrative returns.

They target unregistered securities offerings that promise lucrative returns without adequately informing investors of the risks, according to state regulators.

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Thus far, Treasury's sale of its mortgage-backed securities portfolio has provided a lucrative return to the taxpayer.

Analysts believe that the undisclosed backers of Protium should generate a lucrative return on their investment in the fund.

Angola's diamonds are among the world's best when measured by value per carat (see chart) and promise a lucrative return for anyone who can market them.

All this prudent financial management is achieved despite the Bundesliga's television income being a modest €594m compared with the Premier League's lucrative return of €1.94bn.

According to the Daily Mirror, Wolfsburg have made it known they will listen to offers and have set a valuation of £50m for de Bruyne to leave the Bundesliga and seal a lucrative return to the Premier League.

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