"less feasible" is a correct phrase that can be used in written English. Example: There were many options for solving the problem, but the most practical one seemed less feasible.
For example, the notion of a refrigerator that automatically ordered replenishments started to sound less feasible.
Buying bonds issued by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) directly is less feasible as they don't really exist.
It became even less feasible if women were trying to support children on the same wage, she said.
Where in the past we would have taken a hit on those groups, that is becoming less feasible.
Writer feels that if plainslothesmen are strictly supervised the practice is defensible, but expanded use would make supervision less feasible.
Dilip Hiro ("Why the Mullahs Love a Revolution," Op-Ed, April 23) makes the even less feasible suggestion of an interim troika representing major factions in the country.
And when individualism was less feasible, in choral parts for example, Mr. Herreweghe simulated it, drawing a little swell from the sopranos here, from the tenors there.
Thanks to Ludwig my first paper got accepted! The editor wrote me that my manuscript was well-written
Listya Utami K.
PhD Student in Biology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia