Sentence examples for keep coming back for more from inspiring English sources

The phrase "keep coming back for more" is correct and usable in written English.
It is used to emphasize that someone should continue to pursue something and that they should not be deterred by failure. For example, "Don't give up on achieving your goals - keep coming back for more!".


And until he does, we'll keep coming back for more.

"They keep coming back for more," Graham told me.

Surely that's why we keep coming back for more.

The fans love it and keep coming back for more.

But it takes guts to keep coming back for more.

No wonder we keep coming back for more.

We want them to keep coming back for more.

But the Braves keep coming back for more, and their resiliency is admirable.

That explains, in part, why spice-seekers keep coming back for more.

And that it is damn near impossible not to keep coming back for more.

"South Beach is a bad habit and you keep coming back for more".

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