Sentence examples for invaluable guidance from inspiring English sources

"invaluable guidance" is a perfectly correct and usable phrase in written English.
It can be used to describe advice, instruction, or teaching that has been beneficial to the recipient. For example: My professor gave me invaluable guidance on how to properly structure my research paper.


His invaluable guidance will be sorely missed.

The stress counsellor provided invaluable guidance and we encouraged our volunteers to seek his professional support.

We will miss his invaluable guidance, great sense of humor and positive leadership.

This pilot research can provide invaluable guidance in developing advanced refueling standard.

She's only 19 but, as the daughter of New Zealand-born screenwriter, producer and director Jane Campion, she's benefited from years of invaluable guidance.

Made up of members of Congress, governors and members of my administration, this commission would provide invaluable guidance and solutions going forward.

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They are also able to provide invaluable scientific guidance and advice for graduate school admissions.

Veterinary practices provide invaluable medical guidance to pet owners, but the process of getting ongoing medical assistance is broken and obsolete.

The first of its kind to utilize a style-neutral approach, in addition to presenting the commonly known classical forms, this book offers invaluable general guidance on developing and connecting musical ideas, building to a climax, and other fundamental formal principles.

This accessible and hands-on textbook/reference provides invaluable practical guidance for graduate students interested in simulation software development and cyber-systems engineering design, as well as for practitioners in these, and related areas.

The Forum's program includes getting invaluable startup guidance from industry leaders -- Boeing, Samsung, Intel,, TechCrunch, and others including incubators and accelerators from Silicon Valley -- on how to turn an innovative idea, skill, and passion into a commercially viable and socially impactful business.

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Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak quote

Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

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