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"increasingly more complex" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use this phrase when you're describing something that is growing in complexity. For example, "As technology advances, the coding languages used to develop programs are becoming increasingly more complex."
Because those devices are increasingly more complex, the upgrade process is more complex".
"We are dealing with increasingly more complex devices coming to market," he said.
But my ideas also seem to be getting bigger and increasingly more complex.
Educational interventions are becoming increasingly more complex, far-reaching, and high-stakes.
Therapeutic education contributes to give significance to the diabetes treatment which is becoming increasingly more complex.
Power system operation models are becoming increasingly more complex, as their capabilities improve.
To consider how staffing requirements have changed with evolving and increasingly more complex assisted reproduction technology (ART) laboratory practice.
Three increasingly more complex tasks were employed on subjects, using a series of psychophysics experiments, matching against a target object using eye tracking to capture their progress.
With the recent progress in micro and nano-fabrication capabilities however, the field saw the introduction of increasingly more complex quantum emitters as well as photonic components.
According to this narrative, super clubs rise by producing increasingly more complex products because of expanding productive capabilities, providing growing opportunities for economic spillovers in the process.
As robots are being made increasingly more complex, the idea of enabling them to perform continuous self modeling becomes very attractive, he says.
More suggestions(17)
continuously more complex
incrementally more complex
furthermore more complex
consistently more complex
increasingly more problematic
even more complex
ever more complex
additionally more complex
significantly more complex
progressively more complex
gradually more complex
always more complex
again more complex
often more complex
increasingly more intricate
invariably more complex
frequently more complex
Write better and faster with AI suggestions while staying true to your unique style.
Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @