Sentence examples for has gained popularity from inspiring English sources

"has gained popularity" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it when talking about something that has become more popular over time. For example: "Over the last decade, Netflix has gained popularity as a streaming video service."


The idea has gained popularity.

Spinal anesthesia recently has gained popularity for elective cesarean section.

Why Hamas has gained popularity is no secret.

Vibration based SHM schemes has gained popularity during the past two decades resulting in significant research.

Inflow control device (ICD) has gained popularity since its first introduction to oil industry.

In a world where short-termism has gained popularity, this feature really stands out.

But resigning in protest has gained popularity of late among an unlikely group: big corporations.

And as climbing has gained popularity, more children have tried it.

This strategy has gained popularity resulting a variety of criteria based on mutual information.

The treatment of distal radius fractures with volar locked plating (VLP) has gained popularity.

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) recently has gained popularity in treating skeletal tumors.

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