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Sentence examples for depending on the instance from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

The solution time varied depending on the instance being solved but was within the range of 0.5 and 1 second.

For convertible reserved instances — the type that gives you some flexibility over what instance family you want to use over the course of the contract term — the price drops are a bit more dramatic and hit up to 21percentt (once again, that's for the Singapore region), though in most areas, you'll see drops between 5percentand19percentcent, depending on the instance type.

Note that depending on the instance, you may encounter several Mini-Bosses.

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similar ( 56 )

Those could have been more than the video-ad revenue, depending on the CPMs for instance a $10 CPM would have generated $12 million.

In this section we present arguments in support of this thesis and some guidelines that may help the user to choose the most efficient approach, depending on the problem instance s/he has to solve.

First, we estimated the cost for 3D refinement in Relion for previously published structures (Supplementary file 2A)—these calculated costs ranged from $12.65 to $379.03 per structure, depending on the spot instance price and required CPU-hours.

Some styles may not work depending on the season for instance, boots do not usually work for summer, and sandals do not usually work for winter and others may not be appropriate for work or formal occasions.

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