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"correct inconsistencies" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
You can use it when you are looking to resolve any discrepancies or errors that have occurred in a particular situation. For example, "We need to review the data again and correct inconsistencies before submitting our report."
At the same time, the number of earnings restatements, a serious step taken to correct inconsistencies, also increased dramatically.
Rubin said that the first time he translated a Murakami novel, "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle," he phoned the author several times one day to nail word choices and correct inconsistencies.
CastingWords uses specialized software tools first to route pieces of audio to the various workers who will transcribe them, then to detect and correct inconsistencies, and finally to assemble the transcribed pieces into a single document.
These improve the representation of biology, facilitate querying, and allow GO developers to systematically check for and correct inconsistencies within the GO.
As highlighted by Han et al. (2012), "data cleaning routines attempt to fill in missing values, smooth out noise, identify outliers, and correct inconsistencies within the data".
The importance of database integrity has long been recognized by computer scientists [80 83], and several tools are available to monitor and correct inconsistencies from the technical point of view, in terms of reliability of storing and retrieving data [55 60].
This process includes correcting misspellings and truncations that occur in data, extraction of relevant information via parsing, and correcting inconsistencies in the extracted information.
Diagnosing and subsequently correcting inconsistencies between a software system's code and its design rules (e.g., database queries are only allowed in the persistence layer) and coding conventions can be complex, time-consuming and error-prone.
Artist Takayoshi Sato corrected inconsistencies in the plot, and designed the game's cast of characters.
We corrected inconsistencies between WWF "Wildfinder" database, AZE and EDGE species (Table S2) stemming from different species and genera names, and use of synonyms.
The EAC made a number of changes to the sponsor's models, correcting inconsistencies and errors, and conducting additional sensitivity analysis.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @