Sentence examples for consider other options from inspiring English sources

"consider other options" is a grammatically correct and usable phrase in written English.
You can use it as advice when you are suggesting to someone that they should think about other potential solutions to their current issue or situation. For example, "If you don't want to take the job, you should consider other options before making a final decision."


Should I consider other options, like surrogacy?

The strategy group will consider other options.

He needs to consider other options, including tax hikes.

If he is not, the Yankees may consider other options.

Ryan Fitzpatrick's play, however, might make them consider other options.

But she might also have to consider other options.

"He slots himself into a corner outfield position and gives us flexibility to consider other options.

"The point of counseling is to make people consider other options.

If the hotel does not agree, board members say they will consider other options.

Is further study the answer or would I be better advised to consider other options.

"If this can't be realized, we have to consider other options".

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