Sentence examples for buzz of excitement from inspiring English sources

"buzz of excitement" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
It can be used to refer to a feeling of excitement that can be felt or heard in a particular situation. For example, "The buzz of excitement in the room was palpable as people waited to hear the latest news."


A buzz of excitement is infectious.

She looks forward, radiating a contagious buzz of excitement about the new work.

SPECIAL POST — The buzz of excitement begins as you stroll down the hallway outside the ballroom.

The move has generated a buzz of excitement on online travel forums.

As 3.30 approached a buzz of excitement swept the chamber and reinforcements poured in.

As the buzz of excitement grew, so did the lack of parking.

Every time he gets the ball there's a buzz of excitement around any ground".

Last year, there was a buzz of excitement around "digitising the backlist".

I was led through the empty foyer towards the auditorium and heard a buzz of excitement from inside.

Mary Kennedy, who was also at the conference, says that "there was a real buzz of excitement.

Someone mentioned State Comptroller H. Carl McCall's bid for governor, and there was a buzz of excitement.

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