Sentence examples for broader region from inspiring English sources

"broader region" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it in a variety of situations to refer to a geographic area that is larger than the area that has already been discussed. For example: "The new store will have its biggest impact on the broader region it serves."


And it would complicate stability in the broader region, which is generally antagonistic to American policy.

Part of the group which publishes the East African, a paper serving the broader region.

That assessment is echoed by villagers across the broader region, including in Bamian Province.

Isis can still do very great harm to Iraq, Syria and the broader region.

For the Americans, withdrawing nuclear-armed forces from the broader region is not negotiable.

What are their implications for Japanese politics, economy, and society, and for the broader region?

Third, an examination of Abe's foreign policy and its implications for the broader region.

Amtrak trains connect Princeton Junction to Washington, D.C., Boston and the broader region.

catalyze economic growth in such countries and across the broader region.

Even so, when seen in the context of the broader region, Mr. Ahrens said, "I've seen worse".

In the broader region there is significant hostility from Israel and the Gulf Arab states to an agreement.

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