Sentence examples for broader implications for from inspiring English sources

The phrase "broader implications for" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to refer to more far-reaching consequences that may be caused by a particular action, event, or situation. For example: "The recent economic downturn has had broader implications for businesses across the country."


-- which had broader implications for the economy.

It could have broader implications for internet copyright rules.

The Christian flight has broader implications for the Middle East.

Another provision would have even broader implications for lawyers.

The broader implications for antigen-receptor biology are considered.

The case could have broader implications for international investing.

Our findings also have broader implications for practitioners and regulators.

The commission's decision could also have broader implications for political fundraising across political parties.

Giulio's case also has much broader implications for higher education in the UK and beyond.

And that's where the case seems to have broader implications for forensics.

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He calls chemical attacks in Syria "an indirect attack on America's security with broader implications... for the world".

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Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

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