Sentence examples for adopting a technique from inspiring English sources


The protesters, called themselves "casseroles," adopting a technique pioneered in Chile in banging spoons on pots and pans as they marched through Montreal's streets.

Ssam Bar: 10 Wong: 9 ROUND 5 Wong's Duck Meatball versus Ssam's Duck Sandwich Here we find Wong adopting a technique popular with many Manhattan pugilists these days: the meatball.

Average numbers of DNA lesions per cell in different organs were calculated by adopting a technique already tested in previous works, consisting of integrating into "condensed-history" Monte Carlo transport codes – such as FLUKA – yields of radiobiological damage, either calculated with "event-by-event" track structure simulations, or taken from experimental works available in the literature.


This constant interaction led Horowitz to adopt a technique called microencapsulation, a deodorant breakthrough in which microscopic balloons filled with scent melt at specific temperatures or after a certain amount of time.

Rather, to cut down on false identifications without reducing correct ones, the state will adopt a technique called a sequential photo lineup, in which mug shots are presented one at a time in an order chosen by law enforcement officials, a method promoted by psychological research.

Dispensing with the manual skill normally associated with painting, Shiraga adopted a technique in which he painted with his feet, manipulating gloopy puddles of pigment while suspended by ropes over paper, canvas and (on occasion) more exotic materials like the hide of a wild boar.

Australian "ranchers" have now adopted a technique that involves catching young bluefins, enveloping them in a huge net and dragging it slowly round the south seas for months while feeding them pilchards imported from west Africa.If fish are to be farmed in ever greater numbers, most had better be plant-eaters.

Recently, they adopted a technique popularized by Instagram to create a web page for each memory they surfaced to make sharing with friends easier.

In this paper, we adopt a technique based on depth image segmentation from an RGB-D camera [19].

To find out how this panoply of tiny mollusks evolved, Etter's team adopted a technique used by biologists to assess the genetic diversity of animals on land--they compared the sequence of a common gene called 16S RNA.

For the signal identification, we adopted a technique similar to that described by De Lauretis et al. (2010) to separate the upstream-related band-limited enhancement and the power law background in the spectral domain.

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