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The phrase "a comprehensive insight" is correct and usable in written English.
It can be used when discussing a thorough understanding or detailed perspective on a particular subject or issue.
Example: "The report provides a comprehensive insight into the current market trends and consumer behavior."
Alternatives: "a thorough understanding" or "an in-depth perspective."
Secondly, the British state had a comprehensive insight into the strategic thinking inside that movement.
The city has an estimated population of 450,000 people, but within two weeks enough data was collected to give the local government a comprehensive insight into the current sanitation situation.
Life-cycle studies provide a comprehensive insight into comparative innovation behavior and innovation constants.
The results give a comprehensive insight into the wear of the PA-6/UHMWPE alloy.
We aimed to get a comprehensive insight into the genetic evidence supporting the role of GSK3β in bipolar disorder (BD).
The goal of this study is to present a comprehensive insight into development of tidal stream energy farms in Iran.
The results provided a comprehensive insight into the relationship between the structural features and the activities of farnesyltransferase inhibitors.
Here, we provide a comprehensive insight into current advances in the use of nanogel-mediated chemotherapy for cancer treatment.
In conclusion, the present study provided a comprehensive insight in the effect of nCeO-NPs to bacterial community structure of activated sludge using Illumina sequencing.
Voltage-dependent current mapping and current voltage characteristics recorded down to single CNT allow for a comprehensive insight into the electric behaviour of the hybrid structure.
The variables were chosen mainly because they cut across the social and economic domains; hence, they will provide a comprehensive insight on the pattern of household forest dependency.
More suggestions(14)
a broad insight
a thorough insight
a comprehensive idea
a comprehensive glimpse
a comprehensive perspective
a comprehensive acumen
a comprehensive knowledge
a comprehensive information
a comprehensive understanding
a comprehensive perception
a holistic insight
a comprehensive conceptualization
a comprehensive awareness
a complete insight
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @