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"worn only a few times" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to describe an item that has been used sparingly. For example, "My dress is still in good condition because it has only been worn a few times."
While designer apparel may not have fully recovered from the shock of the recession, shoes have proved far more resilient, because they offer more perceived value to a customer than a designer dress that she might wear only a few times.
People who are rich often buy clothes and then send it off to a second-hand shop without ever wearing it, or wearing it only a few times.
Here's a question the baby-care tomes don't answer: How do you avoid paying full price for ice skates when children outgrow them after wearing them only a few times in a season?
Rather than spending money on a shirt you might only wear a few times, get quality sheets that you will use every night for years.
As long as we accept the status quo of fast fashion, we accept that human life is something to be insignificantly bought, like a pair of cheap pink creepers, a new on trend handbag, or a dress that we will only wear a few times. .
They were supposed to be having dinner, and McEnroe, who had played the sport only a few times before, was wearing bluejeans and had no athletic gear to change into.
Edison's first phonograph, which he invented in 1877, recorded sound on strips of tinfoil, wrapped around a cylindrical drum, that could be played back only a few times before the grooves wore out.
I only wear it a few times a year, but those times tend to be quite windswept and wet, because you know what?
He only wore it a few times after that.
Even for special occasions, the sort of circumstances when we rationalize only wearing something a few times, we can be more conscious of how much we buy.
That has happened only a few times.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @