Sentence examples for with meticulous attention to detail from inspiring English sources

The phrase "with meticulous attention to detail" is correct and can be used in written English.
It can be used to describe someone or something that has taken care to address every element of a task or project. For example: "He completed the assignment with meticulous attention to detail, making sure to cover every aspect of the project."


Everything is planned with meticulous attention to detail.

While some residents appeared receptive to the department's presentation at a recent neighborhood meeting, others have expressed fear that, even with meticulous attention to detail, the streets cannot possibly retain an authentic ethos.

With meticulous attention to detail, Mr Dimas set about drawing up and negotiating 25 new and much tougher national-allocation plans in preparation for the 2008-12 trading period.

These entertainers combined the spontaneity and energy of live performance (including question-and-answer segments with the studio audience) with meticulous attention to detail and the advantages of two weekly tapings to create a hugely successful format.

Yuri Zhislin coaxes tangible excitement in the exhilarating finale of the Serenade for Strings and couples tremendous colour and vitality with meticulous attention to detail in the sextet Souvenir de Florence, heard here in an attractive arrangement for string orchestra.

They finish by practising set-plays with meticulous attention to detail.

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Mr. Bloomberg and his advisers had spent weeks planning the service with meticulous attention to details, from the music that was played -- Copland to Schubert -- to who would read the names of the dead.

In an apparent nod to his past career, Ford recreates the era with meticulous attention to details and style.

"Familiar landscapes filmed in ultra ­high­ definition is shown with meticulous attention to details and to the anthropomorphic shapes of the trees.

It is a distraction Northern Ireland do not need in the build-up to France as O'Neill, with his meticulous attention to detail, may concur in private.

The production is directed with the meticulous attention to detail that we have come to expect from Sean Holmes, who is making a speciality of rediscovering plays that are not old enough to be considered classics or recent enough to be considered new writing.

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