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Free sign upThe phrase "which statement best describes" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it when you need to offer someone multiple choices and ask them to select the one that best describes a situation. For example: Which statement best describes your experience with customer service yesterday? A) It was satisfactory. B) It was outstanding. C) It was terrible. D) It was average.
Each item in the assessment presents two different statements (e.g., "I can get other people excited" versus "I can calm others down") and asks you to select along a spectrum which statement best describes you.
The original protocol for EQ-5D questionnaires [ 34] was adapted, with experts rather than patients being interviewed (Please indicate which statement best describes the health state of a person with the disease).
Smoke-free home policies were assessed by asking "which statement best describes the rules about smoking inside your home?" Participants were asked to select one of the following response options: "smoking is not allowed anywhere inside your home; smoking is allowed in some places or at some times; smoking is allowed anywhere inside your home; or there are no rules about smoking inside your home".
Following each scenario, participants were asked which statement best described their view (words in italics not included in survey responses): (1) There is no need for me to know.
The AMPP Study questionnaire asked, "Which statements best describe your headaches in relation to your period?" Respondents were classified into three mutually exclusive groups based on their responses.
When completing the EQ-5D, respondents are instructed to "indicate which statements best describe [their] own health state today" [ 17].
Patients indicated which statements best described their health state on that day for each of the 5 dimensions.
Clients were instructed to indicate which statements best described their own health state today, by placing a tick in one box for each of the dimension of mobility, personal care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety depression.
We first asked men to read a series of two opposing statements about each decision factor and choose which statement best represented their own feeling about that factor.
Which of these statements best describes your view of how driverless cars should be programmed: Driverless cars should be programmed to follow closely behind the car ahead of it in traffic, in order to reduce traffic congestion, even if this increases the possibility of rear-ending the car ahead: 9%.
7) Which of these statements best describes your online or cyber-personality?
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @