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A later study of eweman's posts uncovered similar unique preferences, among them the use of "fender lizard" as slang for a "cop groupie".
Because we are all idiosyncratic little snowflakes, everyone has their unique preferences.
The new feature will also utilize data around each customer's unique preferences to provide targeted recommendations with every order.
By building more unique preferences the hotel brand can better customize the stay," says Anthony Zebrowski-Rubin, CEO of MConcierge.
Network security and forensics have their unique preferences and points of view in comparison to network traffic analysis and client fingerprinting.
These features are essential as abstractive parameters for designing customized agro-industrial production to provide every consumer with a produce that matches his or her unique preferences.
Each expected utility function determines a unique utility function over outcomes, as well as a unique preference ordering.
Analysis of substrates with a hydrophobic amino acid in P1′ reveals that all the Saps possess a unique preference for Ala at this site.
The waste byproducts from the indium-consuming fabrication processes are considered as the viable resource for indium due to the unique preference to the element in designing optoelectronic devices.
As the artist graduated from graffiti to a more traditional canvas, he kept his unique preference for marrying the pragmatic study of mathematics to the warmer side of human faces and figures.
For this, we engineered the ATP-binding pocket of Mps1 to create a kinase with unique preference for bulky ATP-like small molecules [20].
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @