Sentence examples for to ensure comfort from inspiring English sources

'to ensure comfort' is a correct and usable part of a sentence in written English.
You can use it when you are trying to talk about taking measures to make sure that someone is comfortable. For example, "At the hotel, we encourage guests to fill out a questionnaire to ensure comfort during their stay."


"Usually those things happen as a result of comfort, not necessarily to ensure comfort and stability," he said.

And getting it right isn't a luxury — it's what is necessary to ensure "comfort, output, creativity and inspiration," he said.

The two analogue sticks are very small – as are the standard four PlayStation buttons – but they're well spaced to ensure comfort and clarity and they are highly responsive.

Uefa's financial fair play restrictions have been seen off, with revenue growth (partly fuelled by the new TV deal) and the relaxation of the rules enough to ensure comfort on that score.

"To ensure comfort and prevent injury, when you sit on the saddle, the weight should be on sit bones and not soft tissue," said Adam Baskin, an exercise physiologist and a USA Cycling elite coach.

Introduction: Patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) usually require use of hypnotics and sedatives to ensure comfort and proper adaptation to mechanical ventilation.

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(FG1F2) In a similar manner to ensuring comfort through engagement, carers were able to recognise when the person with dementia needed peace, stimulation appropriate to their needs and abilities and an environment free of conflict (excessive noise or visual stimuli).

The FDM measured 25 mm × 5 mm and was moulded to a biconcave shape to ensure ease of insertion and comfort (figures 1C and 2B).

See related commentary by Pandharipande et al., The majority of mechanically ventilated patients within the ICU receive sedative drugs to decrease anxiety, ensure comfort and facilitate treatments.

And, of course, all those private jets to ensure the comfort and safety of the boss.

It said that "the local authorities make every effort to ensure their comfort and safety".

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