Sentence examples for there are no hidden charges from inspiring English sources

"There are no hidden charges" is correct and can be used in written English.
For example, in a business contract you may write: "We guarantee that there are no hidden charges associated with this agreement."


Make sure you are getting everything you want within your budget and that there are no hidden charges.

Scrutinize all portions of the sales agreement to make sure that there are no hidden charges or fees.

Be sure that there are no hidden charges so that you do not end up paying exorbitantly high.

Make sure there are no hidden charges, and inquire about promise added charges if the locksmith runs into problems with your lock.


Unlike gift cards and physical gifts, there are no hidden fees or shipping and handling charges with Lottay gifts.

There should be no hidden charges, fees, or surprises.

"There are no hidden reserves.

"There are no hidden problems there.

There are no hidden costs or strings attached.

"There are no hidden fees," Mr. Futch said.

"There are no hidden agendas and there are no conspiracies," she said.

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