Sentence examples for thank you for bearing with us from inspiring English sources

The phrase "thank you for bearing with us" is correct and can be used in written English.
It is typically used to thank someone for their patience and understanding in a difficult situation. For example, "Thank you for bearing with us while we get through this challenging time."


Thank you for bearing with us through any negative side effects from this change.

Thank you for bearing with us while we bring these important systems back online.

Thank you for bearing with us.— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) September 15 , 2012

It's not ideal... Thank you for bearing with us". The GMB union criticised KFC's decision to move its contract from Bidvest, which national officer Mick Rix said was a "very well respected, specialised logistics provider", to one that lacked a track record in food distribution.

Happy #CanadaDay!! Thank you for bearing with us during this highly embarrassing time for our country.

But most of the schools in the South Central area are going to be closed... REED: Let's go back to the phone lines -- KJLH, thank you for bearing with us.


Thank you for bearing with me, and I apologize if I come across as ranting.

"I thank you for bearing this burden for me and with me," he told the more than 580 delegates.

Thank you for bearing through that.

Thank you for bearing witness and assisting in making them come true.

He said: "We thank our customers for bearing with us during this unnecessary strike action.

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