Sentence examples for tailored to meet from inspiring English sources

"tailored to meet" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
It is used when something has been created or modified to fit a particular requirement. For example: "We have designed a curriculum tailored to meet the needs of our students."


Packages are flexible and can be tailored to meet organisational aims and objectives.

Liberalising fares would allow services to be tailored to meet customers' needs.

Even operational aspects of a company can be tailored to meet relationship goals.

Classes are tailored to meet requirements of beginning and intermediate students.

Academic course schedules are tailored to meet the credit requirements of the referring school.

The Cornell Engineering Career Center is tailored to meet the needs of technical students.

These programs are tailored to meet the specific learning styles, timelines, and objectives of our clients.

Cornell Engineering Career Center is tailored to meet the needs of technical students.

We support development of career interests with curriculum tailored to meet individual learning needs.

STEAM-2School can be tailored to meet the needs of both elementary and middle school students.

From the outset, MilesAhead was tailored to meet its clients' needs.

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