Sentence examples for surprises down the road from inspiring English sources


We could be in for some really nasty surprises down the road".

Investing time and energy into determining the best combination of coverage options can help you avoid unpleasant and expensive surprises down the road.

Future Family partners with clinics to work out all the pricing ahead of time and pays the bill upfront, ensuring there are no billing surprises down the road.

In fact, he said that the simplicity of how Dropbox makes money is part of its appeal, because it means there should be fewer surprises down the road.

Set the ground rules and expectations so there aren't any surprises down the road.

So if one reads the tea leaves thus far, it seems easy to say we can expect more surprises down the road.

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"It's down the road".

To assume any less growth in spending over that period would be unrealistic and would risk a nasty fiscal surprise down the road, White House officials said.

Do some research online to find out which financial institutions are truly offering the best deals before applying so that you don't risk facing an expensive surprise down the road.

Kicking the budget can down the road!

" 'Going down the road feeling bad'!

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