Sentence examples similar to stay tuned for upcoming events from inspiring English sources

The part of the sentence "stay tuned for upcoming events" is correct and can be used in written English.
It is usually used to indicate that more information about upcoming events is coming soon, and encourages the reader to pay attention and stay informed. For example: "Be sure to check back here often – stay tuned for upcoming events from our company!".


For everyone else, stay tuned for upcoming screenings.

Stay tuned for upcoming energy and sustainability updates from Facilities Management.

Stay tuned for upcoming projects..

Stay tuned for upcoming developments with The Love Project, including "Practicing Love".

Stay tuned for upcoming developments with the Love Project, including "Practicing Love".

Stay tuned for upcoming radio residencies from UNDR Ctrl in May and Heavenly in June.

Stay tuned for upcoming developments with The Love Project, including "Practicing Love". Follow me on Twitter at

Also, for more clothes-oriented business, stay tuned for the upcoming Fashion Issue of Vice Magazine.

Stay tuned for my upcoming articles on each of these life events.

Stay tuned for our upcoming internship opportunities!

Stay tuned for the upcoming film "The Yummyfun Kooking Series" and watch the trailer here.

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