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Sentence examples similar to someone to notify in case of emergency from inspiring English sources

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The sentence is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you need to express the need for someone to contact in case of an emergency. For example, "Make sure you enter the contact details of someone to notify in case of emergency in your phone.".

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Nearest of kin to be notified in case of emergency: a woman with the man's last name, possibly a sister, who lived in San Diego.

Cloud) filed a new bill on Monday requiring district school boards to list emergency response agencies that are responsible for notifying in case of emergencies and that such agencies notify private schools in the same district under certain circumstances.

However, responders will still be notified in case of an emergency even if the app is not downloaded.

You must be willing to assist in case of emergency.

There is no paying in trying.Measure the safety and make sure someone you know is nearby in case of emergency.

It would notify your chosen contacts in case of emergency, as well as the authorities.

Do not leave home without giving someone your travel itinerary so they can reach you in case of emergency.

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