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"seemingly trustworthy" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to indicate that something appears to be trustworthy but may not actually be so. Example: The social media influencer's seemingly trustworthy advice on investing turned out to be false.
Then, in late December, Ms. Nordberg saw a Mavica offered at Yahoo Auctions by a seemingly trustworthy seller who went by the name McGooch2002.
That ancient tradition may have been preserved in different regions, although fragmented and adapted to new conditions, is, of course, possible, and indeed seemingly trustworthy discoveries have been made that substantiate this view.
Croesus, King of Lydia, having tested the Pythia - the female keeper of the shrine at Delphi and mouthpiece of the god Apollo - and found her seemingly trustworthy, asked if it would be safe for him to attack the Persians.
There have been no bids on either unit, though both come from seemingly trustworthy sellers.
Even seemingly trustworthy people hide things, and some people wait until after the deal is done to say how they really feel.
Three stories of displacement caused by war and/or society are painstakingly excavated from seemingly trustworthy memory.
Whatever you're doing on a computing device, be alert when seemingly-trustworthy companies or contacts are trying to get you to divulge any data that could compromise your online security.
But it took another 21 months before Williams, a seemingly respectable and trustworthy man who had in his younger years been a Welsh language television children's presenter, was arrested.
Every seemingly harmless white lie makes you less trustworthy in others' eyes, and before long people won't consider you reliable at all.
In a place like Flint, which has endured a seemingly endless torrent of troubles, the corruption of yet another trustworthy local institution is met with sadness but not much surprise.
The men who stare at her figure are not necessarily less trustworthy than those who watch her face, and those who avert their eyes or meditate, seemingly, upon their brandy, are probably the most dangerous of all.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @