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If they don't join in sufficient thickness to form a seamless barrier (skin), corrosion will occur right where they meet.
This publication presents information on a new type of FRP tank with an integrated seamless thermoplastic corrosion barrier used in tanks manufactured by Omni Tanker.
Potential barriers to seamless care were identified.
Dementia research would be given priority within the health R&D programme, and health and social care would be integrated "to create a seamless service, ending bureaucratic barriers and saving money to allow people to stay in their own homes for longer rather than going into hospital or long-term residential care".
This week NASDAQ raised its stake in the LSE to nearly 15%, buying almost the whole stake of Threadneedle Investments, hitherto the London exchange's biggest shareholder.At a time when hedge funds and other active investors are eager to move their money around the world and technology allows it to happen faster, regulators remain one of the last barriers to seamless global capital flows.
Many of the problems these startups attempt to solve are rooted in deep personal experiences: One entrepreneur is building an API to make paying across borders, and currencies instantly seamless, because financial transaction barriers cost him his father's life.
Operational and regulatory aspects of clinical trials vary and provide important barriers to seamless conduct of multiregional clinical trials.
This qualitative study identified three key areas in which there were perceived barriers to seamless integrated care in RA from the perspective of patients, carers, specialists and GPs.
Geographic factors, institutional structures and practices, provider attitudes, and, on occasion, parent preferences and judgments, were all found to create barriers to "seamless" management and provision of care continuity across providers, settings, and sectors.
Similar barriers exist with stratified patient records which remain a barrier to a seamless patient experience.
Science fiction has long promised seamless translation between languages, removing barriers between nations and species.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @