Sentence examples for scrumptious treat from inspiring English sources


These S'mores Cookie Crumble Bars require only an oven, not an open fire, and would make a scrumptious treat to bring to a summer BBQ. 2. You can make a Pot of S'mores over an open fire or right on your stove!


For guilt-free gluttony, follow your nose to Mission Pie (2901 Mission Street; 415-282-1500;, a bright corner cafe run partly by Mission High School students that sells scrumptious treats in collaboration with Pie Ranch, a nonprofit farm where teenagers learn about sustainable agriculture.

When all was said and done, the models lingered at the tables, creating a selfie opportunity par excellence for show-goers, and a chance to see up close such scrumptious treats as a Chanel bag with a silver spoon for a clasp, twirled around strands of pearls.

These make a scrumptious sweet treat, perfect for lunch boxes!

John Lewis Iced Gingerbread There can be few tastes more festive than gingerbread, which makes this calendar – with beautifully decorated and scrumptious gingerbread treats – a particularly worthwhile purchase.

John Lewis Iced Gingerbread There can be few tastes more festive than gingerbread, which makes this calendar – with beautifully decorated and scrumptious gingerbread treats to last the 24 days of advent - a particularly worthwhile purchase.

Or simply eat a local apple, drink a traditional cider, or treat yourself to some scrumptious cider brandy - great for chilly evenings.

The overvaluation against the dollar is therefore 78%, some 12 percentage points greater than that of the Swiss franc.MICHAEL BRADYAsker, NorwaySIR Your scrumptious feast of Big Macs makes teaching exchange rates to undergraduates a gastronomical treat.

Although the drab setting and the working-class characters might have pushed another filmmaker toward '60s kitchen-sink realism, the director S. J. Clarkson treats the narrative as a boy's storybook fantasy in which the scrumptious meals he aspires to cook are endowed with magical, transformative powers.

For instance, an oriental picnic makes eating outside a real treat - cold noodles, pre-cooked and accentuated with a zingy citrus and chilli dressing, taste scrumptious, as does makeshift sushi made by wrapping sushi ingredients (vinegared rice, fish and pickles) in blanched spinach, cabbage or vine leaves.

A normally prosaic prosciutto and melon appetizer is transformed into an opulent and exquisite taste treat, the veal chop defies comparison, the Dover sole is perfect, and the side dishes are scrumptious.

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