Sentence examples for relics of a bygone era from inspiring English sources

The phrase 'relics of a bygone era' is correct and usable in written English.
You could use this phrase when referring to items from a past era that have been preserved, such as historic artifacts. For example, "The museum houses relics of a bygone era, including a set of silver spoons that were produced in the 1700s."


By then, they were half-remembered relics of a bygone era.

The monuments are not relics of a bygone era; they're indicators of the one we're still living in.

Building work succeeded farm labour, and, for all but the Copper family, the old songs became forgotten relics of a bygone era.

Finn is particularly intrigued by its huge collection of analogue cameras; to a nine-year-old's eyes, these are relics of a bygone era.

RELICS of a bygone era, dozens of lighthouses dot the shorelines of Long Island Sound, New York Harbor and the Jersey Shore.

Places like Wild West Town are relics of a bygone era, trying to attract children who are more attracted to virtual reality and mobile apps than games of cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians.

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Quaker City Cab Co. v. Pennsylvania is only a relic of a bygone era.

The idea that Google+ is some ancient relic of a bygone era is not relevant.

Page 3 is a relic of a bygone era, but it's still here.

Desktop models are becoming a relic of a bygone era as the artificial price difference between notebooks and desktops collapse.

No relic of a bygone era, it is a profound expression of insight into the nature of the human condition and the preconditions of sovereign self-government.

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