Sentence examples for provide detailed information from inspiring English sources

The phrase "provide detailed information" is correct and can be used in written English.
You can use it when you want to ask someone to explain something or provide a thorough description of a particular topic or subject. For example: "Can you please provide detailed information about the manufacturing process?".


The system is intended to provide detailed information on traffic stops and state police practices.

However, the biggest opportunity for bandwidth in health is for patient monitoring to provide detailed information.

Buscetta was the first to provide detailed information on the workings and plans of the Mafia.

It does not provide detailed information on the hotel's amenities, or the hotel's name.

Aircraft also provide detailed information concerning the structure of the atmosphere.

Banks could provide detailed information regarding their exposure to euro zone, for instance.

The final text says that countries "may" (rather than "shall") provide detailed information and a timeframe for their emissions cuts.

Some authors did not provide detailed information on their cases.

In addition, they often provide detailed information about resource utilization.

Wall models provide detailed information regarding the endocardial surface anatomy.

Still, the study was limited because front teeth cannot provide detailed information about daily growth rates.

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