Sentence examples for properly cared for from inspiring English sources


When properly cared for, it is sublime.

HIV-positive people should therefore be released and properly cared for".

These ferns can survive on mounted boards for years if properly cared for.

The meat has the high funk of game that has been properly cared for.

The ITC accepted that the child actors in the show were properly cared for and supervised.

The teachers feel properly cared for, which they deserve to be.

The look is classic, and good leather properly cared for will last a lifetime.

A properly cared for place, with an attendant, can be a safe refuge for all sorts.

A major donor who is properly cared for will be loyal and generous to your cause.

And firearms have a very long lifespan if properly cared for.

In recent years, Egypt also scolded Britain, saying the obelisk, a London landmark, was not properly cared for.

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